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18 Ways Your Cat Will Try to Destroy Your Career

Cats are undeniably cute, but beneath those innocent eyes lurks a master saboteur. If you work from home, your feline friend is plotting against your productivity. Here are 18 ways your cat might be trying to ruin your career, with a dash of British humour.

1. Sending Gibberish Emails

Image Credit: Shutterstock / mojo cp

Nothing says “professional” like a stream of gibberish sent to your boss because Mr. Fluffykins decided to take a nap on your keyboard. Ever tried explaining that your cat just sent an unfinished proposal to your client? Good luck with that.

2. Zoom Call Rear End Display

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Anton Kor

Ah, the classic rear-end cameo on a Zoom call. Just when you think your cat has settled, it decides to show its bum to your colleagues, leaving you scrambling to apologise while hiding your face in shame.

3. Knocking Over Your Coffee

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Vasin Hirunwiwatwong

Ever noticed how your cat has a sixth sense for knocking over your coffee at the most inconvenient times? They wait until you’re in the middle of an important email or call, then BAM—coffee everywhere.

4. Napping on Important Documents

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Stokkete

Your cat has an uncanny ability to find and sleep on the most important documents on your desk. Need those notes for a meeting? Too bad, Fluffy’s nap takes priority.

5. Batting Your Mouse Out of Your House

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Chendongshan

Trying to work, but your mouse has gone missing? Look no further than your cat, who has likely batted it under the sofa. Cue the frustrating search mission.

6. Pawing at Your Screen

Image Credit: Pexel / João Jesus

Your cat finds your computer screen fascinating, especially when you’re in the middle of a crucial task. Expect them to paw at the screen, open random tabs, and send incomplete messages.

7. Walking Across Your Keyboard

Image Credit: Shutterstock / PixieMe

You’re in the flow of writing a critical report, and your cat decides now is the perfect time to walk across your keyboard. Suddenly, your perfectly crafted sentences are a jumbled mess of random letters.

8. Meowing During Calls

Image Credit: Pexel / Leah Newhouse

That urgent meowing in the background during a conference call? Your cat is just reminding everyone who’s really in charge. Your attempts to mute the noise only make it worse.

9. Stealing Your Chair

Image Credit: Pexel / Gideon

Cats have a knack for stealing your chair the moment you get up. Return from a quick break to find your seat occupied and your cat staring at you defiantly.

10. Chewing on Cables

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Oasishifi

Working from home often means a tangle of cables, which to your cat, look like the perfect chew toys. One minute you’re connected to the world, the next you’re troubleshooting a chewed-through power cord.

11. Sprawling on Your Desk

Image Credit: Pexel / Sam Lion

Your desk is your cat’s favourite spot. Sprawling out over your paperwork and keyboard, they ensure that you have no choice but to stop working and give them attention.

12. Playing with Paperwork

Image Credit: Shutterstock /

Your carefully organised stacks of paperwork? Prime targets for your cat’s playtime. Expect scattered documents and lost pages, courtesy of your feline.

13. Triggering Siri or Alexa

Image Credit: Pexel / Ruca Souza

Your cat’s playful antics can easily trigger Siri or Alexa, leading to unexpected interruptions. Suddenly, your digital assistant is reading out weather updates during a serious business meeting.

14. Distracting with Cuteness

Image Credit: Pexel / cottonbro studio

Those adorable antics are perfectly timed to distract you just when you’re about to hit a deadline. You find yourself spending minutes (or hours) watching your cat instead of working.

15. Demand for Attention

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Andriy Blokhin

Cats are masters at demanding attention at the worst possible times. Whether it’s pawing at you, sitting on your laptop, or meowing incessantly, they won’t stop until they’re satisfied.

16. Hair Everywhere

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / New Africa.

Cat hair on your clothes, keyboard, and mouse—not exactly a professional look. The constant grooming required to look somewhat presentable can be a real time sink.

17. Sitting in Front of the Camera

Image Credit: Pexel / Sam Lion

During video calls, your cat loves to sit right in front of the camera, blocking your face and making it clear that they are the star of the show.

18. Knocking Over Everything

Image Credit: Shutterstock / TShaKopy

Your carefully curated desk setup? Consider it a playground for your cat. They’ll knock over pens, plants, and anything else that isn’t nailed down, leaving you to clean up the chaos.

The Ultimate Career Saboteur

Image Credit: Shutterstock / sophiecat

While we love our cats dearly, their antics can be a real challenge to our productivity. They seem to have an innate ability to know exactly when and how to disrupt our work in the most comical and frustrating ways. The next time your cat is sabotaging your workday, just remember—you’re not alone in this furry struggle.

The post 18 Ways Your Cat Will Try to Destroy Your Career first appeared on PawShore.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / sophiecat.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.